Spend your New Year’s Eve with the BZ/MP and “Unraveling Knots: The Journey Begins,” an original special, introducing some of the fascinating players behind the innovative Knots stage and screen collaboration from Executive Producers Natalia Livingston and Michael Dunaway, and writer Jen Kelley. Each of th...
This New Year’s Eve, come along with the BZ #LensOn team, as they explore the heritage and history of the Washington D.C. region, with a special focus on parts both unknown and misunderstood. They begin with a visit to the storied “Anacostia” neighborhood for a fascinating look at the history the area and ...
BZ/MP’s exclusive night of New Years Eve specials continues with “Welcome to the Show: TV’s First Impressions.” Join us as BZ/MP Explains! dives into one of the most beloved aspects of television history, the opening sequence–with a special bonus look at the place our nation’s capital hol...